Tips for taking care of your tattoo

Published on by Jack

When you got your new tattoo done, you will face the task to keep it in good condition and protect it from being destroyed. Sometimes it is more expensive to keep a tattoo than to make a new one. Good habits and useful tips will help you keep you tattoo as long as possible.

After making a new tattoo, the artist will put a bandage on your tattoo picture. You should keep it at least for two hours before taking it off. When removing the bandage, be careful. The skin started to heal after the tattoo doing. Do not put the bandage on again after you taking it off.

Wash your tattoo gently with some mild antibiotic soap on your hand. When drying it with a tissue, take care not to rub it. Put an over-the-counter water- or petroleum-based ointment on the washed area. Do not use an ointment with ingredients like zinc since these may possibly lead to body reactions or allergies. Keep using this kind of ointments for a couple of weeks before you continue with regular skin lotion. However, those ingredients such as alcohol, aloe and perfume may be not safe to your tattoo.

The skin needs to heal itself in a couple of weeks. Keep the healing skin in a dry circumstance without exposure to chemical liquids and too much sunshine. If your tattoo has to be cover by clothes, wear clean and loose clothes. Don’t scratch on your tattoo even it itches a lot.

Use good tattoo inks and sterilized tattoo needles for your tattoos. Otherwise you may experience disastrous event. Whenever you have a big uncomfortness within your tattoo area, see a doctor immediately.

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